By the Pastors in the United States of America
Win one Accord Assembled
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to affirm the spiritual bonds that have connected them to each other; and to demonstrate among the powers of the earth, the Kingdom of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ for the salvation of men, for reconciliation of the people, for righteousness and justice, for revival in the church and for the healing of the Nation, it is necessary that we declare the principles that impel us to such Holy purpose.
We hold these truths to be evident as disclosed in the Scriptures, God’s Holy Word:
- Unity of the Body of Christ is a good and pleasant thing to experience from within and to witness from without. Psalm 133:1
- Unity of the Body of Christ is essential for the world to believe the Gospel of Christ. John 17:21
- Unity of the Body of Christ reveals the glory of God in the earth. John 17:22
- Unity of the Body of Christ both reveals the truth and centers around the truth of the Gospel. John 17:8, 19:37
- Unity of the Body of Christ provides the spiritual environment, for revival, renewal, and reconciliation. Acts 1:14, 2:1
- Unity of the Body of Christ is necessary for the growth of the Church. Acts 2:46-47
- Unity of the Body of Christ is maintained and restored by continuing in the apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread together, and prayer. Acts 2:42.
- Unity of the Body of Christ is destroyed by envy, strife, and division, which reveal the carnal nature rather than spiritual leadership. I Corinthians 3:3
- Unity of the Body of Christ begins with the conviction that to be ministers of reconciliation we must first be reconciled with God and one another. II Corinthians 5:18
- Unity of the Body of Christ is to be modeled and displayed first by pastors and prophets and those in leadership. Ephesians 4:11-16
- Unity of the Body of Christ is established in the essential conviction that there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and one Father, who gave special gifts to men, both in leadership and laity, which are essential to the full function of the Body. Ephesians 4:4-8
We, therefore, as pastors and spiritual leaders of the Body of Christ in these United States of America, do hereby pledge to each other and the Body which we serve, our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Calling to rebuild and establish the Covenant Community of Christian Believers on these shores in mutual dependance upon God and His Son, Jesus Christ, and in mutual Interdependence upon one another under the authority of the Scriptures with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
To this end we affix our names as follows:
© Charles Crismier III 2000
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