Dear Pastor…


You are a critical link in the plan and purpose of God for your nation. Her destiny may well rest in your hands. That is both a blessing and a burden.

SAVE AMERICA Ministries wants to stand in the gap for you. We want to pray for you, provide practical tools and provoke you to holy boldness.

Our daily broadcast, VIEWPOINT, is a powerful tool to assist you by challenging those you shepherd in ways that have become increasingly difficult from the pulpit. From time to time we will challenge you s well, maybe even provoke you. Ours is a prophetic ministry, both wooing and warning God’s people wallowing in deep moral and spiritual distress.

SAVE AMERICA Ministries serves as a VOICE to the CHURCH, declaring VISION for the NATION in America’s greatest crisis hour on the near edge of the Second Coming. Please partner with us.



Bridging Ministry Barriers

The Model Pastor

The Power of the Pulpit

What Pastors Must Do

Counterfeit Community

PASTOR – TO – PASTOR (this is a special outline to assist you in developing cross racial, cross denominational relationships to heal your city. IT WORKS!)

FACT SHEET – Ministry Marriage and Morals

Declaration of Interdependence